Aberdeen Cyrenians unveils its new look!

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Starting life as a soup kitchen organised by Aberdeen University students, we have spent over 50 years providing a range of vital support and care services to vulnerable people and those in crisis in the North-East of Scotland. 
From these beginnings, Aberdeen Cyrenians has grown into a cornerstone of Aberdeen, supporting the most vulnerable people in our city facing crisis, trauma, addiction, homelessness, and isolation. 

Aberdeen Cyrenians played a crucial role during the COVID-19 pandemic, not only adapting to ensure vital support continued for our vulnerable service users, but also supporting the 600% increase in requests for our help.  
From delivering essentials such as food parcels, hygiene items, hot meals for those without cooking facilities, childcare, and pet items, to helping people flee abuse during lockdown, manage mental health crisis and addiction challenges, supported continued independent living, and access to benefit entitlements, budgeting, and debt support. 

During lockdown and beyond we have risen to the exceptional challenge presented by this pandemic; in 2020, we helped people in urgent need a staggering 58,584 times. Because of this, alongside continuing all our current services, we have launched a further 5 new services since March 2020! We were humbled to win the Key Worker (Team) award at the Aberdeen Champions Awards in recognition of our response to COVID pandemic and were also fortunate to receive the Queens Award for Volunteering with a further special award for our response to the pandemic. None of that would have been possible without the tireless efforts of our amazing staff team so we take this opportunity to thank them for the work that they do that makes us a really special organisation.

Last year, as we grew our services in response to the rising demand, we decided to embark on a project to update our identity. We have had significant growth in the past few years, and we have evolved massively as a charity; we wanted a logo that reflected our growth, how we have evolved as well as future ambitions.  Too often people would look at our website and tell us that whilst they knew about the services that we deliver in relation to those who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, they didn’t know that we also support survivors of gender and domestic violence, survivors of childhood abuse, those in the justice system and of course, Care at Home. We felt it was important to raise awareness of all of the services that we provide, to ensure maximum reach and so that we are able to support even more people who need our help.

We knew that our previous logo was widely recognised and trusted and so it was important to us that we are still easily identifiable as Aberdeen Cyrenians! When it came to creating a new concept, we looked at the main elements of what was to be achieved from our branding refresh. So, what did we need to consider? Well, our branding is key to successful to service users and stakeholders recognising us and also to our fundraising: building confidence and profile that leads to support; it empowers those struggling to reach out for our support; and it embodies the confidence and authority necessary to advocate for our service users. 


In considering an update to our identity it has also been important to recognise the value of our existing brand equity, created through a long history of service to the city; and our brand truth as thought leaders in our sector. We know that as our organisation has evolved, so too must our identity! 

It was important that this evolution would maintain our key messages but update and modernise our overall feel.  It is warmer, reflecting the way we work; open & inclusive in recognition of the wide variety of people we support; and it highlights our role not only in being there to talk to, but in being a voice for change. 


Our logo now has a clear font that is accessible and legible for those with visual impairments and still easily recognisable for our service users and key stakeholders.

The key messaging from our logo is one of showing that we are pioneers when it comes to openness and conversation. Aberdeen Cyrenians first started as a soup kitchen ran by Aberdeen University students, we also ran the first women's hostel and first rent guarantee scheme in Aberdeen, the first wet hostel in the UK and more recently, were the lead organisation in the first Housing First programme in the city as part of a national pathfinder project – all of these retain meaning to us as important firsts, but it's more significant than that.  


The journey of Aberdeen Cyrenians is one of ‘firsts.’ We pioneer new ways of working and new partnerships to ensure the best outcomes for our service users.

Aberdeen Cyrenians put the needs of North-East Scotland's most vulnerable and socially excluded people first, leading at the frontline of service, care and influence for 50+ years. We lead from the front line of service, care and influence.  

We will continue to be first to stand up against homelessness, abuse, violence, social exclusion and other crisis. 

Our new colour palette is warmer, more open and inviting - a reflection on our organisation. Our colour palette is also broader, emphasising our flexibility and willingness to change as we evolve as a charity. 

So what do you think of our new look? We would love to hear your feedback! Please use the contact form below to let us know.